All changes are subject to availability but in most cases we are able to amend, add and re-schedule your booking at no extra cost.
What if i wish to cancel my booking?
Cancellations within 42 days of arrival will receive no reimbursement of any monies paid. Bookings that are cancelled with longer notice than 42 days before the arrival date will be refunded the amount the full amount paid.
What time to i need to arrive for my session?
We ask that all participants arrive at least 15 minutes before the session start time. This way we can ensure the session begins on time and can make sure you have all the required kit/clothing.
Do you charge spectators entry?
No, spectators are welcome free of charge. We have plenty of viewing areas, toilets and a cafe serving snacks and refreshments.
Can we bring our own food?
Yes, you are more than welcome to bring your own food and drink.
Can we book on the day?
Although bookings can be made on the day we highly recommend that you book your chosen session in advance to avoid disappointment.
Do i need to sign a waiver form?
By proceeding with your booking online you are required to read the risk acknowledgment paragraph, removing the need to sign a waiver. Your instructor will also give a short safety brief before your session start.
What happens if i arrive late for my session?
If you are going to arrive late for a session please call to let us know as early as possible. We will do our best to reschedule your booking but this may not always be possible. No refund will be given for any participants who arrive late.
Do activity sessions go ahead in the rain?
The Activities will remain open in most weather conditions (but not in circumstances of gales, lightning, heavy ice or snow). No refund will be given to participants who decide not to attend for any other weather conditions i.e rain or wind.
Can i reserve my place by paying a deposit?
Bookings can be secured with a 25% deposit payment at the time of booking. You will be required to pay the balance in full 42 days from your activity start date.
who do i contact to discuss my booking?
If you need to contact us about a booking you can call us on 01237 88 00 28 or send us an email at [email protected]
What do i need to bring ?
We provide all of the safety equipment. Please ensure you check the relevant activity page for clothing and footwear requirements before you arrive. We also advise that you bring a bottle of water, sun protection in the summer and a camera to capture your experience.
Can we purchase food & Drinks?
Our onsite café will be serving food and drink throughout the day. If the café is due to be closed on the day of your booking we will inform you to let you know so you can make other arrangements.
How old do you have to be to take part?
All of our activity sessions (minus coasteering & mountain boarding) have a minimum age requirement of 5+. You can learn all about activity age limits and supervision via the individual activity pages. Please note no one aged under 16 should be left onsite alone.
Can i take part with an injury?
In most cases we would advise you to not take part to remove any risk of further injury. Feel free to call us on 01237 88 00 28 to discuss your injury and check the possibility of taking part.
Can i take part if im pregnant?
We strongly advise that if you are pregnant you do not take part in any of our activities.
Do you have first aid personel onsite?
All of the activity & duty staff hold are First Aid qualified and have specific activity based training to treat and prevent injuries.
Is there a gift shop?
Yes, our shop sells a variety of souvenirs including pens, pencils, rubbers, toys, drinks bottles, teddy bears, books amongst other things. We accept card and cash payments.
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